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Ship: Farley Mowat

Name: Jason Fonseca

Date: 12/03/2022

Ship’s Activity: Patrolling

Table 1. Panga counting done during the 3rd of December from 07:30 to 16:30 with radar observations. The hours not represented in this table correspond to hours when no pangas were seen in the ZTA.

Hour Panga Inside ZTA


Net Fishing Divers Potential Net Fishing
07:30 1 0 0 1
08:30 2 0 2 0
09:30 6 5 0 1
10:30 6 5 0 1
11:30 6 1 2 3
12:30 2 0 2 0
13:30 0 0 0 0
14:30 0 0 0 0
15:30 10 0 0 10
16:30 2 0 0 2
Hour Panga Outside ZTA


Net Fishing Divers Potential Net Fishing
07:30 2 0 0 2
08:30 25 0 0 25
09:30 30 0 0 30
10:30 38 0 0 38
11:30 40 0 0 40
12:30 40 0 0 40
13:30 37 0 0 37
14:30 37 0 0 37
15:30 90 0 0 90
16:30 30 0 0 30

Five pangas were seen fishing illegally in the ZTA today. A SITREP was sent at 09:30 regarding two pangas fishing in the ZTA. Navy vessel Interceptor responded within the hour. The Interceptor arrived to the ZTA at 10:30 but headed north of our location to patrol the CE sector. At 11:30 the Interceptor arrives to our location and instructs a no name panga to finish pulling their nets from the area. Interceptor leaves the ZTA at 11:45. At 11:45 Navy vessel Defender arrives to patrol the E sector. A second SITREP was sent at 12:30 and the Defender came to inspect pangas fishing just outside of the ZTA. Another whale was seen spouting at 12:15 in the ZTA, too far to ID accurately.

Figure 1. Panga activity throughout the day. Dive pangas came in and out of radar range as we approached the S sector at 09:30. Large spikes in potential net fishing activity due to pangas crossing ZTA at 07:30 and 15:30.

Figure 2. Pangas fishing illegally in CW/S sector of the ZTA.

Figure 3. Radar target TT 040 was Navy vessel Defender arriving to our location to investigate pangas fishing with nets along the border of the ZTA.

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