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Humpback whales

Help us protect one of the world’s largest animals!

Once hunted to the brink of extinction, Sea Shepherd has defended these whales since 1977. From intercepting whaling ships, to protecting their vital food source, Sea Shepherd is alongside these whales  protecting them throughout their lifetime.

One of the most remarkable aspects of humpback whales is their annual migration, during which they travel thousands of kilometers between their feeding and breeding grounds. These migrations involve long-distance journeys from polar feeding grounds, where they feed primarily on krill (which we also protect) to warmer breeding and calving areas in tropical waters. 

These whales were brought to near extinction due to whaling, entanglement in fishing equipment, ship collisions, noise pollution and most recently the removal of their food source. 

Their migrations are an essential component to the transportation of nutrients between different regions of the ocean, and these animals must be protected  for the health of our oceans.

Sea Shepherd has been actively involved in protecting these whales since the inception of Sea Shepherd in 1977. These campaigns involve intercepting whaling vessels, documenting illegal activities, confronting poachers and lobbying for whaling regulations. Sea Shepherd has and continues to establish and enforce marine protected areas (MPAs) to safeguard critical habitats for humpback whales and other marine species. These protected areas help mitigate threats such as habitat degradation, pollution, and overfishing. 

These campaigns have brought the species back from the brink of extinction, but the fight is not over. With the destruction of their main food supply, Sea Shepherd is as vigilant as ever in protecting this species. 

To help protect these whales please visit to offer your support.

Operation Revillagigedo 2023: Secrets of Cetaceans

The crew of the Martin Sheen and scientists from the University of Baja California are on Operation Revillagigedo, Sea Shepherd’s campaign to study humpback whales and other marine wildlife in the Revillagigedo Archipelago.